Ayat Kursi Gujarati
Ayat Kursi Gujarati

Ayat Kursi Gujarati Ayat Kursi Gujarati Ayat Kursi Gujarati

Who are you to recommend to him without his permission? He knows everything that is in front of or behind the eyes. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. He cannot be touched by drowsiness or sleep. “There is no god but Allah he is the Living, the Sustainer of all things. SAMAWATI WALARD WA LA YA’UDUHU HIFDHUHUMAĪYAT AL KURSI: THE THRONE, THE HOLY QUR’AN 2:225 Ayatul Kursi English Translation MAN DHAL-LADHI YASHFA’U INDAHU ILLAH BI EI’JNI Learn the proper way to read the Quran with our guide on Quran Sharif Padhne ka Tarika. Here’s what Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) says about Ayatul Kursi.Ayatul Kursi in English Transliteration.

Ayat Kursi Gujarati